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There is research that shows the significant improvement of BLS and CPR skills with the use of a feedback device compared to practice without one. The benefits of feedback devices in skills practice has the potential to have widespread positive impact on CPR quality. 


Laerdal Manikins

When students perform CPR skills using a feedback device, students and instructors can immediately see the quality of their performance. This allows both students and instructors to recognize, validate or correct their skills when needed. Feedback devices can provide a clear and objective evaluation of aspects of CPR such as: rate, depth recoil, chest compression fraction and ventilation rate.  


Feedback devices can provide critical information to students with objective information about their CPR as they are performing the skills. Students learn immediately if they are meeting the standards of high-quality CPR or if they need to adjust their skills. 

If a student can practice skills correctly, they are more likely to take those correct skills into the field and perform at a higher level in a real emergency. Through removing subjectivity in the assessment of student skills performance during practice and testing, feedback devices help students achieve mastery of critical CPR skills and shorten the time from demonstration to competence. 


Together we can promote effective CPR practice in our courses to ensure our students have the skills to deliver high quality CPR when it matters most – at work, at home and anywhere the need arises. The idea that practice makes perfect is being redefined, as effective practice makes perfect. 

Compression feedback

Ventilation Feedback

AED Feedback

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